Omicron Lambda Alpha Chapter History

Omicron Lambda Alpha Chapter was officially chartered as a chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. on April 27, 1952 at Howard University. Alphamen, fresh out of college and in graduate and professional schools, sought to form a chapter where they could remain active, but not have to dive deep into fraternal waters financially, bureaucratically, and generationally. “OLA”, as the chapter is affectionately known, was established with the assistance of General President Belford V. Lawson and strong encouragement by Howard Law School student Nathan H. Beavers. In addition to Brother Beavers, the charter members of OLA included James R. Albernathy, II, Carl R. Andrews, C. E. Baxter, J. L. Echols, Edwardo Ford, C. Rodgers Greene, John C. Harvard, George F. Hill, Robert L. Hillard, Lewis R. Hurst, George L. Jackson, B. J. Kimbers, Jr., Mylous S. O’Dell, Jr., Chester L. Pryor, III, Harold E. Ramsey, R. R. Rawls, J. A. Rhinehart, Joseph B. Smith, L. G. Southwick, Herbert L. Thornhill, Jr., Manuel L. Walker, Claude R. Williams, and Matthew A. Williams.
In 1975, the General Organization eliminated the intermediate designation once given to chapters, thus making OLA a full fledge alumni chapter since that time. Since its charter date, OLA has fulfilled Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated’s mission. Brothers have taught young boys to be men, given worthy college bound students financial aid and have politically and culturally empowered a citizenry. “OLA has continued to embody Manly Deeds, Scholarship, and Love for All Mankind since 1952.”