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Education and Scholarship Committee



To provide quality education programs and services designed to improve the mental and social health of students in the District of Columbia through the agency of robust mentoring programs, activities, conferences and practicums.


To make the OΛA Mentoring Program the premier mentoring program for males of color in the District of Columbia by providing high quality and effective mentoring programs and developing & maintaining healthy working relationships with DC Public, Charter and Non-public schools.


The OΛA Mentoring Program has been operating over the last five years through the volunteer efforts of Chapter Brothers that have had the availability to invest in the young men that we work with. During this time frame we have touched the lives of dozens of young men and assisted in improving the academic performance and social skills of our mentees. As we embark upon the 2018-2019 Fraternal Year we plan to enhance and build the capacity of our mentoring program to increase the quality of services that we provide to our students. We have provided social, emotional, academic and monetary support for many deserving students and families in the Washington, DC area and seek to expand our capacity to help our students move Onward and Upward towards the light of education. We ask that you support our programs with your time, talent and treasure. If you would like to support the work of the Education Committee and our signature OΛA Mentoring Program please contact the Committee Chair with any questions, comments or concerns. It takes an entire village to raise one child and we are all a part of that village. Stand and serve with the Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Omicron Lambda Alpha Chapter by becoming a mentor, investing in our scholarship fund or volunteering at one of our service events. We appreciate your continued support and together we will continue to exemplify our aims which are Manly Deeds, Scholarship and Love for all Mankind.

© Copyright 2024 Omicron Lambda Alpha

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Mailing Address

Omicron Lambda Alpha Chapter
P.O. Box 77422
Washington, D.C. 20013

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